
Thursday, August 21, 2008

Will you be mobile and edit my Google contacts, please?

It all started when I wanted to unblock one of my Google contacts.
By Google contacts, I mean the contacts that are shown under Contacts, in GMail's web interface, and particularly my most contacted ones, that are my GTalk contacts.
I am mobile, using my Nokia E51 phone, with the default internet browser and with fring installed.

First, I only seem able to use the basic html version of the GMail web interface. When I chose to use the standard version, i was shown the mobile one. No use there.

Then I figure I might be able to use the GTalk gadget under iGoogle. Pace yourself.No proper Flash Player version installed.

How about trying to use Opera Mini? Well, 4.1 installed ok... The second time. When I tried to install on phone and not on memory card that is. But then I could not log in to Gmail. All I got was a blank, white page. Sorry, I cannot document that with a screenshot at the moment. No print screen key.

Let's try the old opera mini. 3. I can install it just fine now, I chose my phone din prima this time around.

No friendlier (my specific need is editing a contact) pages this time either.

And only then do I start to google. But it's hard! Googling is fine, reading through the results, not so much! Not to my eyes at least.

So now, more than an hour later, I give up! Now, that's what I call an efficiently blocked contact.