
Monday, July 23, 2007


O chestiune care trebuie investigata:

Friday, July 20, 2007

Ce iti lipseşte din viaţa ta?

Am să încep spunând că mereu când văd distribuindu-se fluturaşi devin curioasă, şi cumva abia aştept să văd despre ce e vorba. Ba chiar m-am supărat de câteva ori când spre mine nu s-a întins nicio mână cu niciun fluturaş.

De câteva zile e foarte cald...

Astăzi era un tânăr la intrarea într-o staţie de metrou, şi - yay - mi-a dat şi mie fluturaş. Îl iau, mă uit la el şi văd:

Imediat m-am gândit: ski, munte, răcoare, DA! Îmi lipseşte acum o vreme mai răcoroasă.
Abia acum, după ce am ajuns acasă şi am scanat, observ că nu e zăpadă pe imagine. Apoi nepotrivită mi se pare scrierea cu litere mari a fiecărui cuvânt. Ce efect o fi având, nu ştiu. Pe mine m-a lăsat rece.

Apoi, bineînţeles, am întors hârtiuţa:

Cum o întorceam, am văzut întâi "cursuri gratuite". Mi-am zis: de ski?? :-o
Nuu, de limba engleză. Apoi mi-am amintit imediat "aa, ăştia sunt băieţii ăia blonzi şi drăguţi, am mai primit mai demult un fluturaş de la ei...".

M-am uitat jos pe foaie, unde am văzut "Cursuri predate de misionari ai Bisericii lui Isus Hristos a Sfintilor din Zilele din Urma".

Am zâmbit, am împăturit hârtia şi-am pus-o în buzunar zicându-mi: This might make a good blog entry.

Nu, nu cursuri gratuite de limba engleză îmi lipsesc din viaţa mea.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Fericita cat Argentina. Sau Happy Planet Index

Happy Planet Index

Your personal Happy Planet Index (HPI) is 52, which is similar to that of countries such as Timor-Leste, Argentina or Trinidad and Tobago. Not bad. This is above the world average of 46, but still below the target value of 83, so there is more you can do to improve your health and well-being, or reduce your environmental impact. Your score is above that of your country, 37.7.

Timor-Leste e numele oficial pentru Timorul de Est, pe asta n-o stiam.

Below is a breakdown of the various components that make up your HPI score.

You: 52
Average: 43.4

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]


Life Expectancy

Your life expectancy is above average for your gender and country. Whether it's eating well, not smoking, getting regular exercise, or just being lucky enough to have the right genes, you're doing something right. However, nobody's perfect and we could all improve our health a little! Aside from getting all the above bits of your lifestyle right, there are some more surprising factors that can influence your life expect - for example, giving up your car, avoiding living alone, moving out of the city or shrugging off stress.

You: 78.1
Average: 80.7

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Nu mananc bine, nu fumez, nu fac sport, poate stau bine cu genele...

Ecological Footprint

Your ecological footprint is 3 global hectares, or 1.67 planets. This is equivalent to the average in countries such as Malaysia, Barbados or Libya.

Your ecological footprint is about average for the country you live in.

You are using between and one and a half and three times your share of the planet's resources (assuming no resources are put aside for other species). This is an amount typical of people in many industrialised countries, though just below the average for the UK. As such, if you are living in an industrialised country, you are probably doing some things well and some things not so well in terms of reducing your ecological impact.

Seven ways that everyone can reduce their footprint include: It's obvious, but we have to say it.

Conserve energy. Turn off the lights when you leave a room, buy energy-efficient bulbs and appliances, turn off your TV completely, rather than leave it on standby.

Cumparam becuri economice, se pune?

Reduce your waste. If there are ways to recycle where you live, try and do so. If you have a garden, start a compost heap.

Re-use plastic bags.


Give away clothes you don't use, rather than throwing them away. There are hundreds of little things you can do.

Live with someone! Whether it be your partner, family, children or friends, sharing your living space means sharing your ecological impact. It will probably also increase your well-being!

Save water! Shower with a friend! Serios vorbind, nu locuiesc singura... dar e prima oara cand ma gandesc la impactul ecologic al acestui fapt.

Leave your car in the garage. Car use has a huge impact on ecological footprint. Obviously it's easier for some people than others, but where possible, try to use public transport more. Or, even better, get on a bike, or simply walk!


Go local. Why buy tomatoes from another country, if you can get home grown ones? For those living in Europe - think about all those miles travelled by wine from South Africa and Australia, when Europe produces some of the best wines in the world.You don't have to become vegetarian, but cutting down on meat, particularly beef, and particularly from animals fed by imported soya feed, is an effective step to reducing your footprint.It has to be said that air travel is one of the biggest contributors to many people's footprints. For example, flying direct from London to Sydney and back would add 5.44 g ha to your footprint - that's the average Briton's footprint for an entire year. Flights with a connection add even more polluting air miles.

S-a notat.

You: 3
Average: 5.32

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Carbon Footprint

Your carbon footprint is 0.9 global hectares, or 0.5 planets. This is about the same as the average for your country (1.06 gHa).

You: 0.9
Average: 2.75

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Life Satisfaction You reported a life satisfaction of 7, which is about average for many Western countries, including the UK, Spain and Italy. Worldwide, 58% of respondents in the World Values Survey reported a life satisfaction of 7 or lower.

You: 7
Average: 6.75

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]


The new economics foundation (nef) recognises that there's more to life than feeling good, which is why our model for well-being is based on four domains – personal feelings, personal functionings, social feelings and social functionings.

'Feelings' refers to your attitude to the way you, your future and society are.

'Functionings' looks at whether you have the opportunities to do the things that bring you well-being. Like with life satisfaction, a score of 5 is theoretically the middle score, but, given the way most people respond to surveys, is below average.

Personal Feelings

In this online questionnaire, personal feelings are assessed with two questions – one testing your optimism and one testing your self-esteem.

You have some anxieties about the future or yourself which are affecting your overall well-being.

Good to know!

These are not too severe though...

Even better!

You: 4.57
Average: 6.04

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Personal Functionings

In this online questionnaire personal functionings are assessed with five questions – two evaluating your subjective opinion on your health and how activity you are, the other three testing you for feelings of autonomy, purpose and worth.

In some ways you are unable to function in the way you would like. Perhaps you have had problems with your health, are feeling unable to make your own decisions, or do not have the opportunity to get involved in activities that give you a sense of purpose and ability.

Toate odata. Pot sa aleg toate odata?

Some slight changes in lifestyle would help.

You: 5.2
Average: 6.15

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Social Feelings

In this online questionnaire social feelings are assessed with four questions – three assessing your opinion of your community, whilst the last looks at personal relationships.

You are unsatisfied with, or perhaps indifferent to, the community within which you live.

Indifferent to!

Sense of community is an important aspect of well-being. It is often lacking simply because there is little engagement taking place, as people lead atomised lives.

I shall start caring tomorrow.

Another reason for this score, may simply be that you are currently unsatisfied by your personal relationships.

You: 4.25
Average: 5.68

[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Social Functionings

In this online questionnaire social functionings are assessed with four questions – two assessing your job / studies, one your free time, and one your community participation. If you did not respond to the work / study questions, your score is judged purely on the other two aspects.

You are satisfied with your job / course - it is interesting, and only occasionally stressful. Further it normally leaves you enough time to do the things you want to do.


You: 5.14
Average: 5.6
[Average is of all online responses to this survey - not the average for your country]

Testul l-am facut intr-o zi, dupa ce am vazut in Compact topul tarilor europene dupa acest Happy Index.

Monday, July 2, 2007