
Monday, November 3, 2008

I dropped it

I dropped my...

Inspired by xkcd, created under Google Spreadsheets, with Google results number for "I dropped my <object>".

Boy, the chivalry today.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Alo? Vodafone? Aici userul 4096

De când au pus noua interfaţă pentru utilizatori, pe au fost destule probleme. Am fost extrem de tolerantă şi nici nu am făcut screenshoturi. Dar acum e oarecum amuzant.

Nu merge şi voiam să verific dacă s-a plătit ok factura vodafone. Aşa că mi-am zis să intru chiar pe


Ia să vedem mai departe:

Limită de 4096 de conexiuni. Nu ştiu să apreciez dacă e mult sau puţin, cert e ca nu e nici 6 dimineaţa, şi mă îndoiesc că sunt atâţia utilizatori conectaţi.

Ugh, that's a no-no!

Am dat să intru direct pe pagina de login, care evident ducea la aceeaşi chestie, însă cu adevărat user unfriendly:


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Random and quick

  • Being a huge T9 fan, I can't wait to see Swype get popular.
  • The vodafone website doesn't cease to amaze me, I'll add the screenshot soon.
  • I got myself a new album and a book. I've listened to the album (it's actually a 1992 one), I'm having trouble with the book.
  • I got myself a supposed-to-be-pretty dress, and a bag. Need shoes!
  • Time is running out, gotta get tickets to see Leonard Cohen.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

And that's why procrastination feels so right

Link to online, flash, intriguing game.

The title is inspired by this random (meaning I've never seen the blog before) blog entry.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Will you be mobile and edit my Google contacts, please?

It all started when I wanted to unblock one of my Google contacts.
By Google contacts, I mean the contacts that are shown under Contacts, in GMail's web interface, and particularly my most contacted ones, that are my GTalk contacts.
I am mobile, using my Nokia E51 phone, with the default internet browser and with fring installed.

First, I only seem able to use the basic html version of the GMail web interface. When I chose to use the standard version, i was shown the mobile one. No use there.

Then I figure I might be able to use the GTalk gadget under iGoogle. Pace yourself.No proper Flash Player version installed.

How about trying to use Opera Mini? Well, 4.1 installed ok... The second time. When I tried to install on phone and not on memory card that is. But then I could not log in to Gmail. All I got was a blank, white page. Sorry, I cannot document that with a screenshot at the moment. No print screen key.

Let's try the old opera mini. 3. I can install it just fine now, I chose my phone din prima this time around.

No friendlier (my specific need is editing a contact) pages this time either.

And only then do I start to google. But it's hard! Googling is fine, reading through the results, not so much! Not to my eyes at least.

So now, more than an hour later, I give up! Now, that's what I call an efficiently blocked contact.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Google Reader Manage Friends turns into Sharing Settings

Google Reader, through the Official Google Reader blog, just informed me that stuff's changed. I didn't really bother reading what it's about - I took a look over the article, figured it's about managing the people you share items with; also, I usually trust they're really making improvements. My attitude is, like always: show me, show me!

So I immediately go and click on Manage Friends.

And I get:

Boo. I need to see the new stuff!

I figure I need to refresh my page, and I do, and the first change I see is that Manage friends is now called Sharing settings. It actually makes a lot of sense, I personally use other means of managing my friends, none of which involving mouse clicks. And the changes are of so much impact that I now (5 minutes after the whole thing happened) wonder if it was really called Manage friends before.

I click on that and I get to the good stuff. I am now excited about taking a deeper look into it.

I started to use Google Notebook, loving it more and more every day.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Another sweet one from Google and Firefox

Well, this really is actually kind of sweet.

This morning I was reading that Google Notebook now integrates Google Bookmarks
and I thought "Hey, I never used Google Notebook"... So I clicked and got to Google Notebook, and I was invited to install a Firefox addon for it. And I did.

A very nice, clean page (I, as a web developer, actually mean that) let me know that I was successful installing the add-on:

I didn't even have to read the note (it was sitting pretty in the center of the page), there on the page was also a huge arrow pointing to the trully important stuff:

The arrow, with its pretty colour and size, was so effective in directing me (I, again, really mean that) that it did take me a while to see the Open Notebook link just a little bit to the left. Just a little bit.

My more-annoyed-self would bitch on how presumptuous this whole thing was. But I find it sweet. Pin-the-tail-on-the-link kind of sweet.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

She is either profound or insane

String theory is off in her own little world. She is either profound or insane. If you start dating, you never see your friends anymore. It's just string theory, 24/7.

[smiling at Kottke for this]

Meet the Lost rose

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Utilizatorul 0

Mai demult am încercat să-mi fac cont pe icq, din nici nu mai ştiu ce motive. Am făcut:


Thursday, June 26, 2008

Inca un screenshot cu o eroare de la Google

Mai exact e vorba de Picasa.

Dar sunt simpatici. Auzi la ei, a little bit broken!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

To all of you out there loving lists

Am ajuns întâi pe o pagină care arată rezumatul unor cărţi în 3 replici.
De acolo am ajuns la o listă de recomandări: filme, cărţi, produse, muzică... Când am văzut că e recomandat filmul Once, m-am şi apucat să scriu aici.


WINSTON: Don't tell the Party, but sex is way better than totalitarianism.

EVERYONE: Surprise! We're the Party.

WINSTON: Oh, rats.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

GMail progress bar

Arătam cu altă ocazie nişte lucruri mărunte pe care le-am observat la interfaţa GMail, folosită din Firefox.

Acum iată ultima lor îmbunătăţire, pe care am văzut-o aseară:

Înainte, când se încărca lent, ziceau chestia asta şi ofereau link spre varianta simplă a interfeţei. Linkul îl dau şi acum, în colţul opus al paginii (prima dată nici nu l-am văzut):

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Gmail / Firefox glitches

De vreun an, de fiecare dată când interfaţa web a GMail se comportă ciudat pe browser-ul meu (Firefox sub Linux), fac un screenshot. Unele probleme s-au rezolvat, altele sunt încă reproductibile.

Dintre cele pe care nu le mai întâlnesc astăzi:

Adică, fereastra de chat fără titlu.


Menţionez că nu încercam să trimit ataşamente, era vorba de un email simplu, text, cu un paragraf.

Acum, două comportamente de care mă lovesc datorită vitezei reduse a conexiunii:

Hey, where did the pretty envelope logo go?

În cele din urmă,

Problema asta se rezolvă după un refresh sau două.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

User unfriendliness

E vorba de data aceasta despre pagina asta:

Mai exact, la mine se vede aşa:

A se nota că nu există title editat astfel încât să aibă sens intrările din listă. Acum caut la ei la Help o adresă unde pot raporta chestia asta, asta doar ca să nu mă simt acuzată (de mine însămi) că nu fac nimic şi doar mă plâng.


Am căutat, nu am găsit nimic.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Today I'm speechless

A jucat în filmul meu preferat...


Sunday, January 6, 2008